Custom Education Solutions

Our Services

Custom Education Solutions.

Areas of Expertise

Custom Homeschool

Have you ever wondered what kind of education you would want to create if you started from scratch? Some of our homeschool students have been accepted to major Ivy Leagues and others have gone straight into their own startup or professional acting careers. We can help you decide if creating a private, completely personalized education is a healthy choice for your child (it’s not for everyone!). If it is, we will register with your state, create a curriculum, hire teachers, and discover the “passion-based learning” projects that will highlight the experience.

Academic Support

For students who need help navigating their current school, we have traditional subject tutors in all areas. Unlike other tutoring companies, instead of “putting out fires”, we work to solve deeper issues – motivation, subject selection, and study habits.

PAssion-based Learning

Passion-based learning recognizes that we all learn best when we are genuinely excited about what we are learning. While “project-based learning” fits a student to an existing project, “passion-based learning” begins with the student’s specific interest – in just the way they like it – and works with mentors and experts to define a sequence of real-world project that are always pushing the limit of what is both challenging and achievable. Whether starting a Food Truck or creating a philosophy podcast or publishing a novel, we help students “pull” from teachers.

Test Preparation

While tests like the SAT and ACT have become less important for admissions, they are still often critical on the margins. Using our proprietary methods, we focus not on teaching tricks, but helping students orient their mind to the specific kind of thinking required for tests.

School Admissions

Traditional High School and College are still a great path for many students, although the landscape has become almost comically competitive. Our School Admissions projects are all long-term – meaning that if we chart a path of meaningful growth using our other programs, the school admission will take care of itself. That being said, our team helps guide families through the strategies and execution of the application process, including school choice, essays, interviews, test preparation, and forming meaningful connections with schools.

Career Advising

Students too often focus so much on succeeding in school that they entirely forget what they are succeeding for. Our career advising centers on “discovering by doing”. The best way to decide if you might like a career is by trying small, but real, projects in the field.


Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.
— Socrates